Thursday, May 27, 2010

Plus the video

Saw these guys in SF last night. Good show.

Wondergirl points out that they use Piet Mondrian's art style.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Art fix! Get your art fix here! Minimal effort!

Alexa Meade is a Washington D.C. based artist. She's into acrylic...namely acrylic on humans, making them look like a painting walking through reality.
Probably much more amazing to see in person, but the photos are also pretty cool.

Best contrast.

Note the installation's border on right...

The models move.

And my favorite:

Got the link from my buddy Matt Taylor, a photographer-turned-painter.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A little off balance

My amended diagram for happy, healthy living.
I did however go and climb the rock wall. I raced Tibby. I won. It was close. But he was also on the easy

In closing, holy shit!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Now that's news.

The girlfriend likes to check the news in the morning. She noticed the odd mismatch of headline, body, and image.
It's obscure, but I don't think it's an error, just deep reporting:
The estrogenous Redwing team was stabbed by the Sharks being right on Target, causing them to loose custody of the child that is victory in a hockey game.
Alright, maybe a mistake at the capital 'G' house.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Grandma Quintero's gorditas = muy delicioso.
Add some homemade salsa or, if that's not around, some Taco Bell sauce and you've got a great snack.
I say "you", but I really mean "me". Because you don't know Grandma Quintero, I do.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The more you know...

...the more you can stop annoying me.