Sunday, October 16, 2011

Darth Vader-Fish

Remember, 720p.

New life: Bengali Cardinal.
I liked 'Ben' but, having just seen the first three episodes of Star Wars (as in, ever), la muñeca likes 'Darth Vader' because it has black. She also claims to hear the storm trooper theme when she sees it...but I don't think it's that evil.
Maybe we can compromise on 'Darth Bender'?
Probably not. She tends to get her way.

I love quilts.

No really, I do.

I also love Sunday afternoon guitar sessions.
And this moogerfooger.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

What the flux?

It's been awhile.

Here's an awesome thing explained by someone passionate about it:

It's weird how little I deal with buckets and how often I deal with buckets...
The moog cluster flux should be arriving on my doorstep this week. Fuck yeah.

Google, you run YouTube right? Forget about the Blogger (which you also run) post interface and retain the 'Play in HD' option when embedding a video...
Douche bags.