Sunday, May 3, 2009

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

A few things...

Earf Day
Caught a glimpse of the voluntary human extinction movement, and while some of the site content is well written and mildly insightful, mostly I was moved to laughter. The thing that is comical about paradigms like this one is the inherent contradiction in how "humanity" is perceived. On the one hand, humans are seen to have no special rights or claims on our planet, and then on the other, are treated as some kind of supernatural being. Pick a side. If we are just another insignificant species, then recognize we are natural to this planet. Granted, (some of) the species has grown some measure of intellect, but we are by no means wizards...the plastic, aluminum, silicon, and...stuff...used to make this laptop was not conjured with a staff, rather harnessed from the planet. You can't create or destroy matter...I can...but not you.

I'm not saying to ignore the adverse artifacts our endeavors create, just to recognize we are not above nature. You don't shit where you eat (unless it's good for the soil and helps you to grow more potatoes for fry baskets). And if Agent Smith is right, that we are "A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet..." then we are still a natural one.
So as I was sitting in my living room, perversely watching some doves mate on my patio railing, surrounded by cacti, fern, a ficus, a lime tree, a bird of paradise tree, and another human...I thought, it is a happy Earth Day, like everyday. Don't ruin what makes you smile, and don't require a special day in April to be less destructive...without purpose.

Tank Update
The 10 gallon container of ocean reef life in my living room saw some additions and some sad subtractions of late. I added a beautiful Sea Star and a Sally Lightfoot Crab, but the crab died...or rather...transformed into hermit crab, snail, fish, and bristle worm food...

Up The Wall

Hermit crab riding a sea star riding a snail:


The next addition might be an Arrow Crab, mainly for their diet of bristle worms which are a virus, a disease, a cancer of the tank...the arrow crab...the arrow crab is the cure...but I'm apprehensive to send another crab into the tank after the death of Sally...we'll see.

Tribe Tribute
- Both of my sisters now have a master's degree. They are twin success stories and I love them a whole heap.
- My pop just started up an online store, Bolter's Cycle Specialties, which is doing well.
- My brother in law recently got his pilot's license and flew us from San Jose to Groveland for pizza and back on Thursday night...
Best way to view Stockton and neighboring cities: way the foxtrot up in the sky...away from Stockton and neighboring cities.
The chariot:


Crop Circles:

San Joaquin Lights:

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