Friday, July 24, 2009

Helpless...I mean...Hopeless...err...Homeless

For the past week or so, on my drive home from work I've noticed a quarter on the side of the road at the Stevens Creek exit off I-280.
I first noticed it when I was stopped at the red light. I pondered jumping out to grab it while the light was red and frantically jumping back into my running vehicle, but was too chicken shit to take the risk of the BMW behind me honking and freaking out if the light turned green.
I really regretted this for a couple days. The next two passes I had a green light, but I did slow for the turn and confirmed it was still there.
Then, two days ago, I saw it again at a red light, but there was one of the 3 or 4 regulars with a sign asking for my loose change.
In all likelihood, one of the regular bums dropped this quarter or forgot to pick it up after hiding behind the sign while a driver threw coin after coin at them in some misplaced fit of rage.
I headed home.

I was all set to jump out of my car and snatch it up today when this happened:
The light was red (YES!)
I was the only one in that lane (SWEET!)
It was still there (SCORE!)
An obese woman with a sign did the penguin waddle into my field of view to the tune of..."wah wah waah"

The decision before me was to:
A) ignore it again, hoping it will last until next week and I can grab the overlooked treasure then
B) start throwing 24 or less pennies (to keep this a profitable venture) at the lady to distract her and grab the quarter
C) get out of the car and hope that the bum does not jump in and drive off in my ride while I'm bent over picking up a quarter
D) tell the lady, "there is a quarter on the ground"

While I'd like to draw this out and ask for votes...I went with D.

I rolled down the window and Danny DeVito's sister waddled excitedly over to my car thinking I was going to hand out some money...

"There's a quarter over by the sign there. I think you or one of your colleagues might have dropped it."
"Where? I don't see it...oh, thanks."

Green light.
I headed home, once again without found money.

(most of) the image is obviously courtesy of Lasik Plus.
The above actions and expressed views in no way reflect those of Lasik Plus, who are in fact responsible for the bum's botched surgery, prohibiting her from noticing the 25 cents on her own.

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