Monday, April 11, 2011

Guitar Appreciation

I appreciate guitars.
It seems guitars also appreciate.

This is from my order history on Musician's Friend:

My sister will remember me waiting anxiously for UPS to deliver this guitar.
I opened it up in the hallway with the grin of a kid on Christmas morning.
I was in college, had no credit card (only a VISA check-card), and no credit. I had to argue with my bank to increase the transaction limit of my check-card temporarily and then call Musician's Friend to "Run it now! Run it now!"
It was a big deal for me.

My buddy Steve (I didn't know him at the time) purchased the same guitar (with the Montego Black finish, not Sunburst...because he lacks taste) and he recently told me our guitars are worth significantly more than what we paid for them.

From Musician's Friend this morning:

Note: when we purchases them in 2004, they came with an iPod Shuffle (the first generation - they looked like USB thumb drives).

I'm not a mathemagician, but $500 is like, 1.5% increase or something!
Hell yes!

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